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Country Living

This was documentation that took place between December 17' and ended April 18'. I was asked to record the property by the owner and I was so very happy to do so. Over those five months, so much social history was discovered, it was just incredible. From the first day I took the trip to the home I was unsure what I would find if anything, but I was far from disappointed.

It's places like this that just blow my mind with the history that is stored away that we just overlook or just don't realise is there.

I've held a few exhibitions and talks on the property so some of you may remember the images and lives that grew up here.

The country property was home to three boys, one of which was the last remaining son to survive and lived his days in the home until he sadly passed away in early 17'. Among many things he was a fabulous cook, many friends still talk about his famous soda bread which he cooked over the original stove (since replaced with a modern version)

He was a hearty farmer even with milking cows, to produce milk and butter. It was reported if you stayed for dinner in the house and you finished up, you were given another dinner for seconds! No one left with an empty stomach. There was a radio in the house (pictured) which went on every hour on the hour for the news report. A TV was installed however, it's services were not wanted!

One memory of the boy's father which I think is nice to share is how his father and mother first met, it would put any dating app to shame!

His father had been married previously and unfortunately, his wife had passed away. Several months on and a friend of his fathers called in on him as he was worried that he was getting lonely and not socialising. He told him that he had a girl in mind that he wanted him to met and suggested that he hop on the back of his motorbike and visit. This he did and they traveled the short distance to her house full of anticipation. On introduction and several cups of tea later the matchmaker announced that he was going out for a short walk to get some fresh air and that he'd be back in an hour to see how they were progressing!

Upon his return, he asked the newly acquainted couple, "Well, how'd ya get on?!" He received a response that he wasn't expecting and that was a wedding date that had just been set to take place a few short months later! ❤️

Once they were married the boys appeared shortly after and the rest is history!

Among items found in the house were newspapers dating back from 1917, documentation detailing the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, historic photographs and postcards, old tins and perfume/makeup and medicine bottles, pocket watches, certificates from 1894 to name but a few!

*The house has since been demolished to make way for a new build*

Homes like this are the reason I love to photograph and document these buildings. There are so many places around the country just like this lying untouched and pretty soon they'll be gone too and we'll have no record of them being there.

I hope you enjoyed this series as much as I did taking them. If you own a property like this and would like it documented please get in touch!


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