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Brookfield House

Built in 1760 the shell of Brookfield house is sheltered away amongst mature woodlands and overgrown lawns. The house has deep roots weaved into the Irish Linen Industry. The owners the Smyth family even had their own Linen Weaving Factory which sat adjacent to the house.

The linen factory has since been demolished and a new housing development sits on its place.

In its early days the property was known as Drumnagally House. Rumour has it that the owners second wife wouldn't live in the house under that name and it was then changed to Brookfield House at her request!

There are numerous outbuildings to the house, even including a 3 acre walled garden. It's been recorded that the wall of the garden was built during the famine period as a means of employment for the local people.

The Cunningham & DeFourier Co Ltd, Glasgow. I found this piece of wood with the name stamped on a window sill. I've searched online but can only find a company in London who supplied cured meats under that name.

The back courtyard reminds of scenes from a WW2 movie after a bomb has struck.

Or a round of Call of Duty.

The house had ornamental gardens, Ice houses, Grottos and summer houses. The produce from the walled garden made the house self sufficient.

This building was used to check the quality of the linen, then in later years a billiards room was put in upstairs and the walls were adorned with sporting pictures including the family on the hunt.

One of the two story buildings on the outer courtyard was used as a school house, there was a single story dwelling beside it which is where the teacher lived.

There looks to have been many fires throughout the entire site.

Many of the walls tagged by graffiti artists. Rubbish everywhere.

The home remained with the Smyth family until 1993 until it was sold off and the contents were auctioned.

It had then been bought with the intention of turning it into a luxury hotel and spa retreat but this did not materialise.

The house is listed and plans have recently been submitted for a £2 million restoration project along with a residential development.

I hope these plans go ahead and the house and estate can be saved from the ravages of its decay.



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