The Haunted Hospital
This section of hospital has lain derelict for almost 10 years. It was originally built in the late 1800s and offered a range of medical services, primary TB in the early days.

I first documented this hospital 8 years ago. It was also trashed then, however its state has deteriorated even more. Most of it is in darkness, we made use of a good builders torch!

Even though it's in severe decay, you can still imagine this as a working hospital. I can picture the nurses with clipboards walking around the halls.

The reason why I titled this the 'Haunted Hospital' is that on my first visit I heard voices, like a TV was on quite close to us once we entered the building. I assumed it was maybe a security hut and put it out of my mind, though, when we finally got back round to the security hut it had been trashed, so there was definitely no TV or power. I couldn't explain it.

When I posted about this on my previous visit I had floods of messages regarding people seeing and experiencing things. One came from a person who worked in the hospital and it was regarding these service lifts.

When he worked nights these lifts could be heard going up and down of their own accord. Not only that, when he went to investigate on numerous occasions he heard the lift stop on that floor, the steel door pulled across but no one ever got out. Did I get in the lift? Eh nope.

Parts of the hospital are very old and victorian looking.

Some nice ceiling details remain in some of the day rooms. The hospital is heavy with graffiti

The signs still hang.

Glass litters the corridors.

You're always expecting to see someone peep around the corner ;0

We did get spooked in our visit and had to leave in a hurry. There is video footage that will be uploaded soon.

Was someone trying to literally take the kitchen sink?!

The final ward maps.

Poor Bjorni has been caught out.

The old children's wards.

Seasonal greetings!

Heavy graffiti and symbols.

The carpet here was thick with mold, our feet stuck like glue.

A bath with wheels!

Part of the oldest section of the building.

The layers of cracked paint and mold really made this image.
